#HeToo Must Fast! October 17th, 2019

#HeToo Must Fast!
Last night, God spoke to me.
“My son,” She said, “Karva Chauth only works when both partners fast for each other.”
“Oh,” I responded, confused, as I wanted to discuss something else altogether.
“Yes,” She said, “unless there is equity and balance, such rituals are meaningless. Both partners must show their caring for each other. Otherwise, it is just one gender being subservient to the other, which doesn’t please Me at all…
“Fair enough,” I said, “but what about free will? If a woman wants to observe the fast and her spouse doesn’t?”
“What free will?” She said, with a hint of sarcasm in Her melodious voice. “You are prisoners of past tradition, practice and prejudice. Did you ever ask why I would ever impose such rituals? After all, I am logical. How will one spouse’s fasting impact the other’s longevity?”
“On the other hand,” She continued, “if both fast for each other, it is an expression of the love and respect you have for one another, and the sacrifice you make will make the bond between you stronger.”
“That makes sense,” I murmured.
“I always make sense,” She said, “it’s just that you don’t ask the right questions.”
“Why do such rituals exist?” I asked, trying my best to ask the right question.
“Why did Sati exist? Or child marriage? What about the persecution of widows? Or male ownership of women?” She shot back. “You men have been tilting the world in your favour for centuries. That’s why!”
“These are uncomfortable conversations,” I said, squirming.
“It will be much more uncomfortable when you put it up on Facebook,” She said, “the women won’t like it as it questions their long held beliefs, and the men won’t like it, because it upends the comfortable position they currently enjoy.”
“Damned if I do and damned if I don’t!” I exclaimed.
“All the best, my son,” She said, with a chuckle, as She faded into the mist.
#HeToo Must Fast!
#equality #radicaladvice #freedom #metoo #genderblindness