CEO CHAT : Sharing Career Goals September 27th, 2019

Dear Shesh, in your article, “Six Steps To Promotion”, you recommended that I set goals and share them. However, my boss is quite insecure. Won’t he feel threatened if I share my ambitious goals?
Hi, Tapan, important point! Many professionals face this situation. How do we manage?
First, if you don’t share your goals, they will lose their impact. Only if I know your goals can I help you achieve them.
Second, your boss is likely to be instrumental in your progress on your career path. If he doesn’t know your aspiration, he can be more of a hindrance than a help.
So, your boss is insecure. No problem. Just slice your goals into milestone stages and share with him the initial stage that will not threaten him.
Let us say that you are a finance executive and you want to be a CFO. As a CFO, one of your tasks will be to implement and sustain a robust MIS.
Share this with your manager.
“May I help in the weekly MIS collation and reporting?” generally receives a positive response. Now, you are on your way.
Any big goal can be converted to a series of smaller milestones, each of which will be unthreatening and easy to accept by your supervisor(s). You will also be seen to contribute value, thus earning goodwill.
Step by step, these small stages will add up and take you steadily closer to your ultimate goal.
As George Herbert said, “Do not wait; the time will NEVER be right. Start where you stand, and work with the tools that you have at your command, and better tools and paths will be found as you go along.”
Do you want to try this out?
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