CEO CHAT : Won’t Helping Others Hinder Me? October 8th, 2019

Hey Shesh, in your CEO Chronicles articles (particularly, How Do I Get A Promotion?) you encourage us to be helpful to our colleagues. But I have my tasks to complete, too. How will I manage my time?
Hi Gopi, I hear you. Let me share a secret…
You may recall Parkinson’s law which states – “work fills the time allotted to it”.
There is another lesser known, unnamed law – “helping expands the time available to you”.
How does this law work?
We don’t realise this, but every time a colleague comes to us, and we help them, we learn a little about what they are doing and what they need. Every time there is a project that we contribute to, we understand its various components, and how they interact.
Each time we contribute, we learn and know more. This makes us (without our noticing it) better at what we do. We find new hacks. We modify our output to better fit the need of the recipient. Perhaps, we plan a little further ahead. Or, we tweak an archaic process to make it more effective.
Little by little, we become faster, smarter, more efficient.
As a result, we find that by giving time, we have created more time.
The more you help, the easier it will be to complete your tasks.
Try it out – you will be surprised!
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