CEO CHAT : Why Are Some More Successful? August 27th, 2019

Shesh, thank you for the CEO Chronicles! Thank you, too, for helping with my draft vision and strategy. I have one question. What makes some executives more successful than others?
You’re welcome, Dennis. All the best with your new journey!
This is a great question! One I regularly coach professionals on. There are myriad components of success. Let me share the top few :
PLANNING. Every successful journey starts with planning. What is my goal? Where do I want to go? What is the most optimal route? Which milestones do I have to cross?
PREPARATION. This follows planning closely. Once the plan is clear, collate everything required to implement and achieve the plan. Knowledge, networks, expertise, money, tools, technology.
PERSISTENCE. Any ambitious journey is going to be tough. There are going to be rickety bridges and hairpin bends. Even with the right plan and resources, giving up can sometimes seem the only option. Don’t. Ever.
PERFORMANCE. Success, finally, is about delivering expectations. No one is rewarded for ‘doing their best’. In the final count, we need to deliver sustainable results.
These are some qualities that successful professionals display.
There are many more.
If you can, please read Stephen Covey’s “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”. You will not regret it!
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