CEO CHAT : What Prisons Did You Break Out Of? October 25th, 2019

Your article, “Four Monkeys & An Elephant” opened my eyes! I recognized at least three beliefs that are currently restraining me. Could you share with us some of the prisons you have had to break out of?
Darryl, thank you for your note, and I hope you free yourself soon!
I have broken out of more prisons I can count. Every time I think I am done, I find one more rope around my leg, holding me back! Here are some of my prisons I have identified and escaped from –
– I was generally unwilling to accept change
– I believed that I could not master financial subjects
Even if these two were manageable, the ones that follow were difficult – both to accept and to break out of.
– I felt terribly inferior because I thought I was short
– I felt extremely superior because I thought I was smart
– I indulged in dismissive behaviour with subordinates
Each break-out took time and effort – first to understand the layout of the behavioural labyrinth, and then to gradually scale the walls and make my escape.
It was scary difficult. I turned back often. I was fortunate that I had a mentor guiding me and being patient when I stumbled or stopped.
Each escape made me happier and freer, and the outcome is amazing!
At all times, I remember Robin Sharma’s words, “Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.”
What about you? Do share your break-throughs!
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