CEO CHAT : What Holds Me Back? December 13th, 2019

Your new series, “WHAT WOMEN WANT” is amazing! It is great that such critical issues are being discussed publicly.
In your discussions, have you explored some of the mindsets that hold women back?
So glad, Nisha, that you find this series helpful.
Yes, we have discussed some of the issues that hold women back. Here are three mindsets that seem to be inculcated in women from childhood, especially by our families.
ONE, women must be seen and not heard. Be polite. Be nice. Don’t argue. Be ‘ladylike’.
So, women suppress their voices, stay silent, and tolerate much more than they should.
TWO, women must ‘adjust’. Be accommodating. Be tolerant. Let things go.
So, women accept discrimination and bias. They tolerate being treated differently. They don’t stand up for themselves.
THREE, women must put duty over desire. Be giving. Put other’s needs before your own.
So, women don’t assert themselves. They don’t demand their due. They step aside instead of forward.
These are three mindsets that we need to eradicate. Mindsets that prevent women from achieving their potential.
Have you every asked, “What holds me back?” Could YOU share a mindset that we need to change?
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