CEO CHAT : Was 2019 A Good Year? December 31st, 2019

Hi, Shesh, thank you so much for enriching us with your CEO Chronicles. One final question as 2019 comes to an end – how would you rate this year? Good, Bad or Ugly?
Through 2019, did you scan the news and feel fear and anxiety? Worry about Trump and Brexit and ISIS and climate change? Feel that the world is heading for disaster?
The reality is very different.
2019 was the healthiest, wealthiest and wisest year ever in human history. Here are some facts (courtesy : Google & NYT) :
As recently as 1970, 37% of all children died before they turned 15. Miraculously, in 2019, this figure is below 4%.
In 1970, 49% if the world lived below the poverty line. In 2019, this figure is below 9%.
Also, in 1970, 52% of the world was illiterate. In 2019, in an amazing feat, less than 10% suffer this lack.
Finally, in 1970, the average life expectancy was 56 years. In 2019, this has shot up to 73 years.
In 2019, 118 million new homes got access to electricity, 73 million got access to piped water and 240 million went online.
2019 was a watershed. Humanity is healthier, safer, richer and more aware than ever before.
As 2019 bids adieu, let us count our blessings, and let us enter 2020 with hope, purpose & belief.
May you have an amazing 2020!
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