CEO CHAT : Not Too Young? November 5th, 2019

“How To Escape From Prison” was a riveting story. However, it is easy to break-out of prison when you are a COO. How do I escape when I am young, junior and have no power?
Thanks, Girish, but you misunderstand me. The COO standing up to blind belief and taking the company on a new path is NOT the escape. The COO has already escaped the prisons in her mind. That is why she had the vision and courage to steer the company away from the wrong path.
No organisation is the prison. The prison I speak about is inside us. It is built by accepting past practice, by blind belief, by not questioning, by doing what we are told rather than what we think is right.
We build these prisons from the time we are born. The older we get, the more fortified they are.
So, actually, the best time to break-out is when you are young, when you are willing to tilt at windmills, when you have less to lose.
As you do this, you will build self-belief. You will develop a sense of focus. You will act by choice and not by coercion.
And like the COO, when faced with a dilemma, you will choose to do the right thing, rather than blindly do what has been done before.
You are never too young! What say you?
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