CEO CHAT : How Do I Network (as a Woman)? December 9th, 2019

“How To Ensure Your Dream Job” made me sigh. I am just not able to network. I have to manage my job and my home. Does this mean that I can never succeed as a professional?
I understand how you feel, Jamila.
There are a few barriers that prevent women from networking.
Many women cannot attend events after work. Or participate in activities that men do easily. Why? Because they are often primary caregivers.
Women also tend to avoid networking in social settings to prevent misunderstandings.
Also, women are more wired to long-term relationships rather than ad-hoc networking.
A recent study conducted by the Kellogg School of Management offers a possible solution : to form a close inner circle of women, a sisterhood.
The study found that 77% of the highest-achieving women had strong ties with an inner circle of other women.
It also showed that women who form a strong bond with other women professionals are three times more likely to get a better job than women who don’t have that support system.
Finally, the study concluded that the support system and career advice that women can provide one another are crucial to career advancement.
I have personally seen women form ‘sisterhoods’ and benefit greatly.
Please find attached a superb article about multiple women and their amazing networks.
Could you try reaching out, please?
How do other women network? Do you have any suggestions for Jamila?
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