CEO CHAT : A Networking Story October 4th, 2019

Hi Shesh! In your CEO CHRONICLES articles you speak of the importance of networking. Could you give me a real life example?
Rajesh to Peter, Thursday evening at a bar :
“…and that is where I am, Peter. If I don’t find this candidate, I doubt I will make partner. I have been trying for almost 2 months. It is almost like looking for the proverbial snowball in hell!”
Peter to S K Tan, Saturday morning in the locker room of the club :
“…yes, that is what Rajesh said – a maritime professional with 4-5 years of cyber security experience. Yeah, you are right – that sounds like a strange combination! I don’t know how to help…”
S K Tan to Sandra, Saturday evening at a party :
“…what an amazing cake! I almost couldn’t bear to see it cut. Is the baker here? She is? Could you point her out?”
Baker to S K Tan, Saturday evening at the party :
“…thank you so much. Really sweet of you. My husband? He’s joining us later. Oh, he manages something called cloud security for a shipping company…”
WhatsApp from S K Tan to Peter, Sunday morning :
“Hey Peter, could you connect me to your friend Rajesh? I may have some good news for him…”
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