CEO CHAT : 5 Qualities Of The IDEAL Boss January 17th, 2020

The IDEAL Boss
What an amazing response to the latest ceochronicles article, “4 QUALITIES OF THE PERRFECT EMPLOYEE”!!
As we learnt, the 4 “P.E.R.R.fect” qualities are :
1. Proactiveness
2. Emotional Intelligence
3. Reliability, and
4. Resilience
In CEO Chronicles # 21, the Gang of Four is going to discuss the 5 QUALITIES OF THE I.D.E.A.L. BOSS.
I invite you to define your IDEAL Boss!
Please write in ‘Comments’ the 5 qualities you believe your dream boss will have!!
Whoever gets it 100% right will get a SPECIAL MENTION in the following ceochronicles article! (And a cup of coffee with me 😊)
Post Script :
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8 Qualities of a Great Boss
- Communicates Clear Vision.
- Connects Vision to Daily Tasks.
- Sets Clear Performance Expectations.
- Provides Consistent Feedback and Coaching.
- Cares About the Employee as a Person.
- Shares Personal Experiences.
- Makes Work Fun.
- Fosters Team Development.
8 Qualities of a Great Boss
- Communicates Clear Vision.
- Connects Vision to Daily Tasks.
- Sets Clear Performance Expectations.
- Provides Consistent Feedback and Coaching.
- Cares About the Employee as a Person.
- Shares Personal Experiences.
- Makes Work Fun.
- Fosters Team Development.